Yes, good point. This story is focused solely on the Arctic and the blue ocean event. I have others that focus on the Antarctic and the differences in addisng to rising sea levels. There are other even bigger concepts that a general audience will miss and need to be addressed. Maybe the biggest crucial concept here is the specific heat of water compared to the heat of fusion of ice. In other words, ice absorbs incredible amounts of heat -- and doesn't change temperature as it does so. Once the ice is melted and it is water, the water absorbs heat the the proportional amount of heat (calories, if you will) makes the water temperature skyrocket. In other worlds, when you take away the heat-abbsorbing characteristics of ice- you have taken away a huge buffering effect of global warming. Having taught this little bit of thermodynamics in chem class for many years and seeing glazed looks I know how hard it is to comprehend, especially without labs or discussions readers can have to reinforce the concept of heat of fusion and specific heat. And as you point out, this will accelerate the continental ice melting. And oh, yea, Rising sea levels will inundate us unrelentingly.