A Simple Cure for Migraines
Almost no one knows this, but there is a simple cure for migraines; a cure that stops them in their tracks. And better yet, this cure doesn’t involve drugs, prescriptions, treatments or other people to depend on.
You must be thinking, what could this possibly be? This sounds too good to be true. There must be a catch. This must be one of those click-bait scams we see all the time. But it’s not any of those. Technically, it is more of a control than a cure, since it will not stop migraines from ever coming back. It is a simple way to stop a migraine in its tracks- at least it is for me. This knowledge is my gift to you; please let me know if it works for you too.
When did I learn about this cure? About 20 years ago, I was at my parent’s house on Christmas morning for brunch. My siblings were there, my wife, two kids who were still young. I remember standing in the kitchen as food was being prepped. People sere spread throughout the house, with multiple conversations going, kids playing and general revelry. I noticed the light in my field of vision starting to narrow and ripple. I looked around and it seemed that my vision was very subtly getting worse! I rubbed my eyes, walked out into the sunlight, and back into the house. It seemed to be getting worse. It was almost like I was looking through a pair of binoculars and I was seeing kaleidoscopic wavy tunnel vision. My vision was undulating!
I instinctively grabbed a glass of orange juice and drank it. I was hungry, but other than that, I had no other symptoms of anything being wrong with me. My recollection is that we had brunch and my vision cleared up and everyone had a good time and went on their merry way. I didn’t know it, but I would soon find out that I had just experienced my first migraine.
The shimmering visual effects happened randomly over and over again every six months or so. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and seldom after dinner. And the symptoms always seemed to disappear within a few minutes to an hour. When I reported the symptoms to my physician he told me it sounded like a visual migraine. I was overjoyed and relieved to hear there might be an explanation that didn’t include words like blindness or cancer. But if it was a migraine, why didn’t I get a headache or any of the other symptoms that I had heard about?
Then one day at work the visual distortions started again. This time it didn’t abate, but kept getting worse. A dull pain in my temples ramped up to serious pain. My whole body started feeling sick. I quickly left work and could barely see to drive home. I spent some time on the sofa, then crawled into bed. After recovering, I realized that I had forgotten to bring my trusty water bottle to work that day. I wondered if drinking water, which I often did throughout the day, was the temporary cure to shutting down my migraine.
The next time I felt the visual effects coming on, I immediately drank the equivalent of a couple of glasses of water. Within a few minutes, the migraine was gone! The next time- again, the migraine appeared to be controlled by water! Over the years, I have never suffered more than visual effects, and a couple glasses of water immediately erases it, if I drink it at the earliest signs of the migraine.
I mentioned this to my doctors, and the response was, “Well that’s interesting.” “Other people get much more serious migraines.” “Your system must be very sensitive” I will leave others to ponder why medical doctors wouldn’t consider the possibility that millions of migraine sufferers might be able to control some or all of their migraine symptoms with water. Will it work for everyone? I do not know. Is drinking water safer than the risks from taking migraine prescriptions? I don’t know that either, but I assume for most people that drinking a couple glasses of water is safer and cheaper than taking prescription drugs.
If you or someone you know suffers from migraines, perhaps at the first sign of symptoms, a glass of water will do the trick. If you try it, leave a comment one way or the other.
Glenn Fay is the author of Ambition: The Remarkable Family of Ethan Allen available online and in bookstores.